“Even if you don’t have a ready sketch of what you want – we will help you to get the result you dreamed of.”
David Oswald

founder of company

[ about company ]

From Sketch to Life

The basic philosophy of our studio is to create individual, aesthetically stunning solutions for our customers by lightning-fast development of projects employing unique styles and architecture. Even if you don’t have a ready sketch of what you want – we will help you to get the result you dreamed of.


What Can We Offer

Design & Planning

We will help you to get the result you dreamed of.

Custom Solutions

Individual, aesthetically stunning solutions for customers.

Furniture & Decor

We create and produce our product design lines.

[ +]
Current Clients
[ +]
years of experience
[ +]
awards winning
[ +]
Offices Worldwide
Stylish Family Appartment
Minimal Guests House
Art Family Residence
Private House in Spain
Modern Villa in Belgium
Minimalistic Style Appartment

Get Incredible Interior Design Right Now!

At every stage, we could supervise your project – controlling all the details and consulting the builders.

[ our skills ]

The Core Company Values

We are constantly growing, learning, and improving and our partners are steadily increasing. 200 projects is a sizable number.

interior sketch
3D Modeling
2D Planning
[ our professionals ]

Meet Our Skilled Team

Robert Cooper

[ Finance Manager ]

Olivia Peterson

[ CEO of Company ]

Amalia Bruno

[ Interior Designer ]

Katie Doyle

[ Interior Designer ]

Andrew Kinzer

[ CEO of Company ]

Anna Richmond

[ Marketing Manager ]

Christina Torres

[ Company Founder ]

Jesica Lina

[ Marketing Manager ]
[ our blog ]

Read Our Latest News

SEDE: Via Delle Piccole Industrie, 3 (Zona Mercato) 84018 Scafati (Salerno)

SEDE SECONDARIA: Via Palmiro Togliatti,11 - 84083 Castel San Giorgio (SA)

P.IVA: IT04367750652


Registro delle Imprese di Salerno

Iscritta con numero Repertorio Economico Amministrativo SA-361728

Email: info@ecosilsrl.it

PEC: ecosil.srl@pec.it


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